CDP News

Digital Poverty: notes from Charity Digital’s Digital Inclusion Summit.

Karen enjoyed attending Charity Digital’s Digital Inclusion Summit on 20 June 2024. Well, perhaps ‘enjoyed’ isn’t quite the right word – as much as she had a nice time learning about A.I., cyber security, accessibility, and new apps, the dominant theme was digital poverty and how there is still a huge digital divide, particularly if…

CDP News | Events

Digital Inclusion Network 23 May 2024

We enjoyed a wonderful meeting on May 23, where we caught up with members to hear the latest exciting news as well as positive developments on current projects. Co-host, Will Plant – Digital Inclusion Lead at Cambridgeshire County Council, provided an update on Connecting Cambridgeshire‘s work. Thank you all for attending! Our Chair, Sally Page, Deputy…

CDP News

Accessibility Apps

AbilityNet are a charity that champion digital accessibility. Many thanks to Alex Barber who shared details of accessibility apps at an AbilityNet webinar. These apps help people who are blind or partially sighted, and I was astonished by how clever and intuitive they are! These apps can be your pair of eyes to help you…

CDP News | Events

Our Digital Inclusion Network meeting dates!

The next Cambridge Digital Partnership networking event takes place on: Thursday 23rd May at 1pm. Click to book! Please join us online to find out what is happening with all things ‘digital inclusion’ in Cambridgeshire and share your news with the group! More details will follow soon… We are really looking forward to catching up…

CDP News | Events

Digital Inclusion Network 8 February 2024

Thank you to all for attending our digital inclusion network meeting on 8 February 2024. It was lovely catching up with everyone and seeing some new faces too. It was a lively session with introductions and news from all. Our Chair, Sally Page, Deputy CEO of CCVS, began the session by mentioning Cambridge Community Foundation…

CDP News

Tech That Won’t Cost the Earth: Sustainable Tech 4 Good

On Friday 27 Oct 2023 we were lucky to have Sue Gowling join us for our webinar. Sue is the Founder of Laptops4Learning, and she spoke about Sustainable Tech 4 Good, that addresses digital inclusion through their three offers. The webinar is available on YouTube Laptops4Learning: Sustainable Tech 4 All Laptops4Learning work with large businesses…

CDP News

Working Together to Get Cambridgeshire Online: Digital Inclusion for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

On Thursday Oct 26, 2023, Will Plant, Digital Inclusion Lead for Connecting Cambridgeshire, gave us a fascinating presentation on his role in the Connecting Cambridgeshire Programme and what he’s learnt. Will explained that one of his tasks as Digital Inclusion Lead was to compile a digital inclusion report and he expressed an interest in working…

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