Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership – we’re off!
I can’t quite believe how much has happened since I introduced myself as the partnership’s new coordinator, so it seems fitting to mark the start of Get Online Week with an update. Settle in and I’ll tell you how Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (CDP) set-up as an unincorporated association, are launching a membership offer, planned a virtual conference, that starts tomorrow (Oct 19th) oh, and built a new website. We’ve certainly been busy!
Setting up and our membership
Over the past few months, the Steering Group for CDP have been meeting to decide how to continue the conversation around digital exclusion in our region and how the partnership could help to lead change.
Today marks the first step, as CDP are set-up as an unincorporated association and have launched a membership offer, that any organisation working around digital inclusion or exclusion in Cambridgeshire can join. The membership will be free, until at least April 2022, and by joining, organisations will receive invitations to network meetings, a quarterly newsletter and help to shape how CDP can proactively tackle the digital divide in Cambridgeshire going forward.
There is a lot to do, but this is a step in the right direction, join us!
We are very excited to kick off our virtual conference with Cam Sight and Cambridgeshire Deaf Association, who will be introducing digital tools that could help your organisation to become more accessible and inclusive.
It’s been a great month or two, working with the Steering Group to arrange a whole host of speakers from organisations including; Good Things Foundation, Winter Comfort, Care Network, Cambridge Youth Panel, It Takes a City, Cambridge Online and Cambridge University’s Centre for Housing Research. With such a range of organisations taking part, it’s clear that the digital divide is something that is relevant across the board and it’s essential that we come together to share experience, knowledge, and ideas.
If you haven’t already got your free tickets, don’t hesitate, book now.
We have a shiny new website!
Last, but certainly not least, I have been beavering away, developing my own digital skills, by building the partnership a new website. It’s been an amazing project to be involved in, and whilst it has been a little daunting at times, I’m delighted that CDP have a place to easily share news, resources, and events, as well as a route for organisations to join CDP by becoming members.
Take a look and get in touch with any feedback, we’re all learning after all.
Get in touch with Sally via email: [email protected]
Twitter: @CambsDigi
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