Reads & Resources
CDP share recent reads and resources, to take us into the New Year.

Five reads that explore digital exclusion and the need to tackle the digital divide together.
- As pictured above, Kat Dixon, the Data Poverty Lab, and Good Things Foundation have published a Periodic Table of Internet Elements. You can also read @KatDixon2012 Good Things Foundation and Nominet’s, Data Poverty Lab Fellowship report. The report centres the work of communities right across the UK who are going out of their way to keep people online and connected. Also, follow Kat on LinkedIn to see her simple guide ‘How can I save money on internet costs.’
- 100% Digital Leeds model for a community-based approach to digital inclusion.
- The Nominet Digital Youth Index, a benchmarking report offering insight into young people’s digital experiences.
- CCVS published research on how Cambridge groups are emerging from the pandemic.
- The British Academy, Understanding Digital Poverty and Inequality in the UK.
Five resources that can help people to get online or develop digital skills.
- Digital Inclusion Directory, funded by the Vaccine Access Champions project to help staff and the public access information regarding Vaccine Access online in and around Cambridge.
- Connecting Cambridgeshire have pulled together information on reduced broadband tariffs and other support available to anyone who need help getting online.
Good Things Foundation have a range of resources to help introduce someone to the internet for the first time. - Third Sector Lab host a range of free digital skills workshops.
- The National Cyber Security Centre host a range of free guidance, to help people stay safe online, at work and at home.
- 100% Digital Leeds have shared You Tube recordings from recent events
- Creative digital inclusion in the care sector:
- Developing Digital Health Hubs in Leeds:
- Digital Inclusion Supporting Older People: Transport Connections:
Do you have additional resources or guidance that you would like to share? Please get in touch and let us know.
Email: [email protected]