
Connect and Celebrate!

Connecting Cambridgeshire and Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership worked together to host a Cambridgeshire Digital Round-up 2024 on Wednesday 4 December. The event was aimed at and attended by organisations and individuals with a key interest in digital inclusion.   Alongside our guests, we were able to celebrate achievements, network and learn about all things digital inclusion, as…

2024 Highlights

We’ve been looking back at our highlights from this year! A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Digital Inclusion Network meetings this year! In February, we had an amazing session where Beverley Young from Age UK discussed their inspiring campaign to end digital discrimination. We also heard touching stories from Sue Keogh and…


Cambs Digi Fest: Saving Time with Generative AI – Insights for Small Charities

Thank you to all who joined us for this webinar, our forth event for Cambs Digi Fest and hosted by Flóra Raffai, founder of Rapport Coaching. Flóra gave a brilliant presentation; full of information, tips and advice and she provided us with four demonstrations of how AI can help a charity with their work. Looking…


Cambs Digi Fest: Accessibility and Social Media

5 November 2024 Thank you to all who joined us for this webinar, our third event for Cambs Digi Fest and hosted by the amazing Passion 4 Social! Thiago Carmo and Allana Grant did a brilliant presentation explaining all about accessibility and guiding us though how we can make social media, content, images and videos…


Empowering Families: A Conversation on Digital Inclusion for Households with Children

8 October 2024 Thank you to all who joined us for this webinar, our first event for Cambs Digi Fest hosted by Sally Page, Deputy CEO at CCVS and Will Plant, Digital Inclusion Lead at Connecting Cambridgeshire! We had some amazing guests! Simeon Yates, Professor of Digital Culture in the Department of Communications and Media…


Building Healthier Communities: The Role of Digital Inclusion

15 October 2024 Thank you to all you joined us for this webinar, our second event for Cambs Digi Fest hosted by Sally Page, Deputy CEO at CCVS and Will Plant, Digital Inclusion Lead at Connecting Cambridgeshire! We had some amazing guests! Karen Igho, Project Manager at Healthwatch Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, shared findings on the impact…


Cambs Digi Fest 2024!

Please join us for this year’s Cambs Digi Fest where we come together to explore topics linked to digital inclusion, learn new skills and celebrate all of your brilliant work! We have been very busy behind the scenes with our friends at Connecting Cambridgeshire to bring you five free fabulous events with some amazing speakers!…

Digital Poverty: notes from Charity Digital’s Digital Inclusion Summit.

Karen enjoyed attending Charity Digital’s Digital Inclusion Summit on 20 June 2024. Well, perhaps ‘enjoyed’ isn’t quite the right word – as much as she had a nice time learning about A.I., cyber security, accessibility, and new apps, the dominant theme was digital poverty and how there is still a huge digital divide, particularly if…


Digital Inclusion Network 23 May 2024

We enjoyed a wonderful meeting on May 23, where we caught up with members to hear the latest exciting news as well as positive developments on current projects. Co-host, Will Plant – Digital Inclusion Lead at Cambridgeshire County Council, provided an update on Connecting Cambridgeshire‘s work. Thank you all for attending! Our Chair, Sally Page, Deputy…

Accessibility Apps

AbilityNet are a charity that champion digital accessibility. Many thanks to Alex Barber who shared details of accessibility apps at an AbilityNet webinar. These apps help people who are blind or partially sighted, and I was astonished by how clever and intuitive they are! These apps can be your pair of eyes to help you…


Our Digital Inclusion Network meeting dates!

The next Cambridge Digital Partnership networking event takes place on: Thursday 23rd May at 1pm. Click to book! Please join us online to find out what is happening with all things ‘digital inclusion’ in Cambridgeshire and share your news with the group! More details will follow soon… We are really looking forward to catching up…


Digital Inclusion Network 8 February 2024

Thank you to all for attending our digital inclusion network meeting on 8 February 2024. It was lovely catching up with everyone and seeing some new faces too. It was a lively session with introductions and news from all. Our Chair, Sally Page, Deputy CEO of CCVS, began the session by mentioning Cambridge Community Foundation…

Tech That Won’t Cost the Earth: Sustainable Tech 4 Good

On Friday 27 Oct 2023 we were lucky to have Sue Gowling join us for our webinar. Sue is the Founder of Laptops4Learning, and she spoke about Sustainable Tech 4 Good, that addresses digital inclusion through their three offers. The webinar is available on YouTube Laptops4Learning: Sustainable Tech 4 All Laptops4Learning work with large businesses…

Working Together to Get Cambridgeshire Online: Digital Inclusion for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

On Thursday Oct 26, 2023, Will Plant, Digital Inclusion Lead for Connecting Cambridgeshire, gave us a fascinating presentation on his role in the Connecting Cambridgeshire Programme and what he’s learnt. Will explained that one of his tasks as Digital Inclusion Lead was to compile a digital inclusion report and he expressed an interest in working…

Tech That Won’t Cost the Earth: How Charities Can Access Free and Low-Cost Software

Friday 27 Oct 2023 Joel Hogan, programmes manager at Charity Digital joined us to share tips and advice about free low-cost software that could benefit charities. The webinar is available on YouTube With the cost-of-living crisis, charities are finding that donations are declining but there is a greater demand on their services. Joel therefore encourages…

Cambridgeshire Libraries; expanding their National Databank offer to two additional libraries in Cambridge City.

National Databank: Free SIMs for low-income households at Arbury Court and Barnwell Road libraries “Cambridgeshire Libraries have joined Good Things Foundation’s National Databank and are now launching this offer at Arbury Court, Barnwell Road, Cambourne, Ely, Huntingdon, March and St Neots libraries. This is in addition to Bar Hill, Cambridge Central, St Ives and Wisbech, where we piloted…


CambsDigiWeek 2023, it’s back!

Bookings now open for an exciting series of free online events, starting on 24th October. CambsDigiWeek is an annual series of events, delivered by the Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership, to support the development of digital skills in the voluntary sector and tackle the digital divide in Cambridgeshire. This year’s packed programme boasts expert hosts and speakers…


CDP Network Event – Thursday 6 July, 2023

Thank you to everyone who attended our July Digital Inclusion Network event. This blog shares some notes from the meeting. Attendees included representatives from:  Cambridgeshire County Council, Care Together Commissioning Connecting Cambridgeshire, County Council Cambridgeshire Libraries DWP Cambridge & District Citizens Advice Bureau Accent Housing Limited It Takes a City Red Hen Grow Share Make…

CDP network event – Thursday 27 April, 2023

Thank you to everyone who attend our April CDP networking event. Guest speaker Karen Berkley, Commissioner, Cambridgeshire County Council & Peterborough City Council, and colleagues joined us to present and discuss Care Together. Find out about Care Together and contact via [email protected]   Updates from attendees: Cambridgeshire Libraries are working towards becoming a national databank….


CDP network event – Tuesday 7 Feb, 2023

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (CDP) have hosted their first network meeting of 2023 and would like to share some highlights. Update from CDP We opened the event with a short update about the partnership, to let attendees know that instead of having a separate steering group, all decisions and conversations would now take place during the…

Laptops4Learning – supporting Digital Inclusion in Cambridgeshire through Sustainable Tech

This blog is written by Laptops4Learning Founder, Sue Gowling. About us www.Laptops4Learning.co.uk uses Sustainable Tech 4 Social Good.  We take tech from businesses and repair and refurbish it, making it sustainable and plug-and-play ready for use in addressing digital poverty. We enable local businesses to use their redundant tech for the good of their local…

Reads & Resources

CDP share recent reads and resources, to take us into the New Year. Reads Five reads that explore digital exclusion and the need to tackle the digital divide together.  As pictured above, Kat Dixon, the Data Poverty Lab, and Good Things Foundation have published a Periodic Table of Internet Elements. You can also read @KatDixon2012 Good Things Foundation and Nominet’s, Data Poverty Lab…

Cambridge Online, in the Spotlight

This blog has been written by Sophia Catling, who joined the Cambridge Online team in 2022. Cambridge Online (a vibrant charity, taking on the challenge of digital skills for all) is pleased to announce our partnership with Laptops4Learning  so that we can distribute devices to those most in need. Laptops4Learning’s solution “Sustainable Tech 4 Social Good” has…


#CambsDigiWeek 2022, watch it again

Thank you to everyone involved in #CambsDigiWeek 2022! We had a inspirational week discussing challenges faced accessing health care when not online or with limited digital confidence, ways that charities can develop digital skills in their workforce and the power of communities to develop skills. If you were unable to attend, or would like a…


#CambsDigiWeek 2022 – bookings open!

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership are delighted to announce the line-up for their third #CambsDigiWeek a series of online events taking place from 17th – 20th October to celebrate Get Online Week, a campaign by Good Things Foundation. This year the festival focuses on digital skills and includes a line-up of great guest speakers who will discuss…

Tackling Data Poverty with UK National Databank

Written by Laurie Frankland – New Horizons Project Manager Here at CHS we provide one-to-one in person coaching for people furthest from work through our New Horizons Project. As part of New Horizons offer, we try to address digital inequality by providing coaching in basic digital skills and encourage digital skill development through the use…


CDP Network Event – 28 April 2022

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (CDP) hosted their second Network Event in April and were delighted to welcome 18 attendees, representing the following fantastic organisations: John Huntingdon Charity It Takes A City Papworth Trust Reed in Partnership CHS Group The Prince’s Trust Meridian PCN Cambridge Women’s Resource Centre Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust WEA Cambridgeshire Libraries…

CDP Network Event, 25 January 2022

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (CDP) kicked off the New Year with their first Network Event. It was a great start, with over 30 attendees ‘in the room’ from a range of organisations, including the Princes Trust, NHS Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust, It Takes a City, The Red Hen Project, Department for Work and Pensions, Cambridgeshire…

#CambsDigi Conference 2021

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership hosted their second online #CambsDigi Conference in October 2021, as part of GetOnlineWeek.  With around 150 bookings for five events, guest speakers talked about the impact of digital inequality on individuals experiencing homelessness, the digital skills gap and how this effects organisations and individuals, the relationship between health services and digital access, as…

Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership – we’re off!

I can’t quite believe how much has happened since I introduced myself as the partnership’s new coordinator, so it seems fitting to mark the start of Get Online Week with an update. Settle in and I’ll tell you how Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership (CDP) set-up as an unincorporated association, are launching a membership offer, planned a virtual conference, that starts…

The Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership, this is only the beginning

Hello! Firstly, let me introduce myself. I’m Sally and like many, I wear a couple of hats. I have two part-time jobs with CCVS, as a Development Worker and Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership Coordinator. I have been in the coordinator role for about a month. As I am settling in, I would like to share a little about…

#CambsDigi Conference 2020

The first virtual conference hosted by the Cambridgeshire Digital Partnership took place during Get Online Week, October 2020. It provided an opportunity for the voluntary sector to pause, and think about how the pandemic brought digital exclusion to the fore, and how local groups stepped up to help those in need. Conference Recordings Presentations &…